covetable chronicle:
mr. boddington’s studio every day collection

Showcasing stationery for the smart set
Today is the last post in our “Holiday Cheer” series and I’m excited to say that it comes along with a generous giveaway from two of my favorite ladies at Two Trick Pony. If you didn’t get your Hanukkah or Christmas cards in the mail, there’s still time to send a cute card welcoming the new year!
To enter the giveaway:
First, like Two Trick Pony on Facebook and while you’re there, head over to the Crow & Canary page and like or comment on the giveaway post at the top of the page. Really, that’s all. We’ll randomly choose one winner on Friday afternoon and announce it on the C&C Facebook page.
The winner will receive their choice of a Happy New Year boxed set AND Two Trick Pony’s much lauded 2012 Year of Type calendar. Just a reminder: Comments on this blog will not be considered an entry.
{all images via two trick pony}
So… I thought I’d try something new and offer a giveaway to C&C Facebook fans, it’s easy – I promise! Just wander on over to our Facebook fan page and “like” this post. The winner will be randomly selected tomorrow (7/15/11) and announced on our Facebook page.
Remember, you must like the post on our Facebook fan page to be entered to win. Good luck, friends!
{images by crow and canary}
0Rebekah had kindly sent me one her BloKs featuring a bird awhile back, I’ve been meaning to post a giveaway for it for eons and this was the perfect reminder. This sweet song bird reminds me that spring is just around the corner here in Portland.
UPDATE: Alex is the official winner of the Rebekah Potter BloK!
My first offering is a simple thanks for reading this little blog. Being self-employed and often working from home, I really take comfort and delight in the connections I make via blogging and tweeting. I have a healthy group of people that I count as friends made through these avenues. So… thank you for taking the time to read and connect with me on some level, it really means more than I can express.
Now, getting to the goody giveaway part of the post!
The mister and I have a tradition of writing down what we’re thankful for each and every Thanksgiving, it’s something that I really enjoy reflecting on and thought it would be the perfect question to pose for entry.
To enter to win:
|| Please leave a comment answering the following:
What are you currently thankful for in your life?
|| Anonymous comments will be disqualified.
|| Giveaway is open through Friday, December 3, 2010 at 11:59 PST.
Winner will be chosen by and announced Monday, December 6th.
|| One comment per person, unless… Hey, want an extra chance to win?
Blog, tweet and/or facebook about our giveaway and post an additional comment(s) with the link.
One lucky winner will receive the thank you card set from Hammerpress, one winner will receive the set from Snow & Graham, one winner will receive the set from Ghost Academy and one winner will receive the assorted ‘grab bag’ from our archives. Best of luck!
{images by crow and canary}
The magic of Twitter recently lead me to Daily Calligraphy. Lila shares a range of quotes that she’s written in different styles. The quotes are a great mix of hilarious, inspiring, plain silly and of course a few classics thrown in for good measure. She’s recently started selling her work in the Daily Calligraphy Etsy shop at very reasonable prices. I had to order two myself, including one of my favorite Martin Luther King quotes above.
In giveaway news, I’ve been a rather bad blogger and am announcing the Paper Bullet winner a bit later than anticipated.
Congratulations to Piddix, who quite favored the “Kiss Me Over and Over” watercolor. Many thanks to Lisa for sponsoring the giveaway.
{all images via daily calligraphy}
{‘for the mister’ watercolor on repurposed wood}
{‘milk moustache’ mini painting}
{‘our love is home no.3’ original painting}
To enter to win:
|| Please peruse Paper Bullet’s Etsy shop and tell me which item you’d like to win.
|| Anonymous comments will be disqualified.
|| Giveaway is open until midnight on Thursday, April 22, 2010 .
Winner will be chosen by and announced the following day.
|| One comment per person, unless… Hey, want an extra chance to win?
Blog and/or tweet about the giveaway and post an additional comment(s) with the link.
{images via paperbullet}