father’s day

on dads and letterpress.

June 29, 2011  /  father's day, letterpress

{card by sycamore street press}

I’m dreadfully late to try to call this a Father’s Day post, but I just had to give a little shout out to my pop and have had this awesome image from Sycamore Street Press on my desktop for weeks.

This is my fifth year working in the stationery industry and it wasn’t until recently that I connected how much my dad shaped my passion and interest in cool cards. He was really my first pen pal. From a young age, he was frequently gone for work and eventually when my parents separated, he made it a point to write me letters on unique cards. I even have a letterpress card he sent me from the late 80’s – by Saturn Press, if you’re curious.

My dad has also been a major champion of my business, when I travel to Los Angeles to call on shops he often acts as my chauffeur. Many of the buyers I work with know my dad and will make a point to ask about him or say hello. He’ll call to tell me about new shops that sell cards, how sweet is that?

I’m eternally grateful to all my friends and family that have been a major support in my business endeavors, but wanted to take a moment to highlight my own dad, for whom will never be too manly for letterpress!

{image by nicole hill gerulat for sycamore street press}


{2011 national stationery show} father’s day

June 1, 2011  /  father's day, national stationery show

{card by sugarcube press}

{card by wild ink press}

{card by ecka & pecka}

{card by dear hancock}

June is here and Father’s Day is right around the corner! Above is a glimpse at a few standout designs spotted at NSS. I’m also working on a Father’s Day round-up for Curbly that you’re not going to want to miss.

{all photos by crow and canary}


tcho chocolate goodness

June 17, 2009  /  father's day, yum

While in San Francisco this week, the mister and I happened across this amazing chocolate shop near Fisherman’s wharf. What a treat. We indulged in samples galore and settled on buying the Honey-Roasted Cashews drenced in Dark Chocolate, which Brian and I are equally obssesed with. Needless to say, we’re already lamenting their absence. I loved Tcho’s Father’s Day packaging too, very innovative and utterly delicious!

{images by crow & canary}

father’s day pick: no. 3

June 10, 2009  /  father's day

Hello!Lucky is wooing me with this modern greeting. The color palette is pure perfection…

{image via hello!lucky}


father’s day pick: no. 2

June 3, 2009  /  father's day

This card from PAPERooT really caught my eye at the Stationery Show. My father is a mariner and I’m quite sure he’d be delighted to receive this in the post. There’s some stiff competition this year, haven’t decided on the card just yet.

father’s day pick: no. 1

May 26, 2009  /  father's day, letterpress

I love this card from Dutch Door Press. Perfect for the musician or music loving Dad.

Father’s Day is always a particularly challenging occasion to find the perfect card for my own Pops. He doesn’t golf, sport-fish, BBQ, wear ties (at least not very often), nor have I ever seen him mow a lawn. I always have my eyes open for a great father’s day card that doesn’t incorporate any of the aforementioned stereotypes.

{photo by crow & canary}